Senator Robert F. Wagner, Sr.
Junior High School (JHS167)
Class of 1968 Reunion Website
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Last updated 7/23/2001 - 19:00

It's just too much! (to put all on one page)
So here are links to the other Photo Pages

Saturday Down By The Riverside(Park)
Saturday Down By The Riverside (Park)#2
Sunday Bowling at Chelsea Pier
Monday's Party
Debbie Sez 2013 Reunion

Can you name everyone in the class picture? Click on each face to see their individual page. JoLynn Crabs and Philip Jacoby are in the color class picture but not the black and white.

Links to other Bio's and Pictures are: Aviva Shiff Boedecker, Jonathan Calvert, Chester Gittleman, David Kleiman, Brian Moore, Steve Weintraub and Yvette Vanterpool.

Links to Teacher Bio's and Pictures are: Beth Bergman, Herbert Greenhut and Stephen Radin.

Can you find Danny Rosenthal and Evan Schwartz in this 6th grade picture?

Can you find Everyone in this 6th grade Class Picture?